1. Radio City - 91.0
2. Radio Mirchi - 98.3
3. Radio One - 94.3
4. Rainbow - 101.3
5. Vividh Bharathi - 102.9
Thanks to so many (by Indian standards) FM stations, the loyalty factor is long gone. If an Ad is on, the station is changed. But there is one station at a specific time that I tune in for sure and stay tuned, Radio City at 6:00PM. This is when Sunaina Lal's show starts. She is the liveliest of all the RJs on Radio in Bangalore and I am sure she will give any RJ in India a run for their money.
She started off with Radio City and was doing the morning show. The morning show is the equivalent of prime time on TV as all the car stereos are on. She was so damn good that when she took a break from Radio City, her replacement, Vasanthi Hariprakash had to work double hard to be heard. Now Vasanthi runs the morning show with Rohit Jayakaran and do a good job too, but Sunaina was Sunaina. She then made a comeback and since the morning spot was taken has settled in the 6PM slot. This again is a hot slot because the people listening in their cars (and unfortunately in their bikes too) are invariably stuck in traffic jams and just want to get out of their misery. She holds up the mood and also plays down the traffic problem with some very lively chit-chat.
I can vouch for a couple of bikes and cars who didn't hear me shouting out at them thanks to the smile specialist.

Bull shit Ajay,
Sunayana Lall is the most artificial RJ around!! I would still rate Vasanthi Hariprakash as the TOP SPOT....I think once you hear to infact I hear Radio City only during Vasanthi show - by-2 coffee...Remember, she took the interview of our great Manna da and it was so nice...!! unbelievable, you are still praising Sunayna...all she tries to do is get an artificial smile/ laugh and calls herself as smily sunayna...no way....!!
Were you in Bangalore when Sunaina was running the morning show? If you were, then your views would probably be very different.
Hi I'm Saif.
I think Sunaina Lal,is the perfect RJ for radiocity 91.1 Fm in bangalore.
If given a chance she should host all the shows of radiocity.
Her voice is damn good. She energizes
everybody with her beautiful voice & also playing cool songs.
Keep up the good work Sunaina,You just rock babe!!!
Thanks for dropping by....
She is good, but I am not sure I want her hosting every show. :-)
hay ajay.... hi even m a big fan of sunaina.. she is not at all artificial... she is d most amazin RJ in d world... m in luv wid her... du yu haf any picz... pleez put in in here!!!!
Both Vasnthi Haripraksh and Sunayana Lal are very good RJ, We cannot coment on each other. I also congrulate the RAdio City FM 91.1 having these 2 wonderful RJ in Bangalore. Best of Luck for their future
Both Sunaina and Vasanthi hariprakash are good ! and the best RJs. Well now we cannot hear both Sunaina and Vasanthi ! All the best to both of them...
Anyways do you hear radio city now ????
I am fan of Rj Sunaina lal now i am miss her lot so can any body tell me where is sunaina lal runs the show.if any body know mail me at malhari001@gmail.com
I am the fan of Rj Sunaina Lal who was in RadioCity 91 Fm if any body knows for which station she is working mail me.
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